Educational Assessments

Educational Assessments

What is an Educational Assessment?

An educational assessment aids in determining a child or adolescent’s relevant academic and learning ability. These assessments help to identify underlying issues child or adolescents may be experiencing with their learning. Assessments can also be conducted to help identify academic and cognitive giftedness.

Educational assessments can therefore help to a diagnose a range of conditions including:

  • Dyslexia
  • Dyspraxia
  • Dysgraphia
  • Dyscalculia
  • Giftedness


Benefits of an Educational Assessment?

Educational assessments can provide numerous benefits including:

  • Providing recommendations for tailored intervention programs for children with specialised needs
  • Providing recommendations for appropriate supports for gifted children
  • Help provide a child’s learning profile showing the child’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Help identify specific learning difficulties e.g., difficulties with reading


What is the Educational Assessment process?

At Bowyer Psychology, our experienced Clinical Neuropsychologists conduct comprehensive educational assessments to determine diagnosis for a range of learning disorders. We accept both self-referrals and referrals from medical practitioners for assessments.

The first step in the process is a pre-assessment consultation. This session involves discussing related concerns and for the clinician to obtain relevant information. From here, the assessment is booked in based on the consultation.

The assessment is a comprehensive process that typically involves 3 hours of psychometric testing. Further questionnaires are sent to relevant personnel that may know the person well including parents and teachers. Other collateral information is obtained as needed including school reports or medical history information.

Once the assessment is complete, the Neuropsychologist will compile a comprehensive report detailing the findings of the assessment. The findings will be discussed in a 30-minute feedback session conducted approximately 4 weeks after the assessment.

Our clinicians within their report provide individualised recommendations including relevant accommodations to best support the individual. As our clinicians are clinically trained, our reports are approved by the NDIS.

What if multiple diagnoses are required?

Our clinicians can provide differential diagnosis to ensure a comprehensive assessment. An Educational Assessment can be combined with other types of assessments if this is required or identified in the pre-assessment consultation.

How much does an assessment cost?

Please contact our friendly admin team on (08) 6317 6000 or email to for details on pricing. Our fee is inclusive of all testing required; questionnaires; review of collateral information; a comprehensive report; and a 1-hour feedback session.

Are the diagnosis and comprehensive report accepted by NDIS?

Yes, our reports are accepted by the NDIS as our clinicians have the appropriate clinical training recognised by the NDIS.

Further supports available:

We can provide further support after the assessment process to continue care. This can include:


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